• Quarterly Journal of Social and Political Sciences

    Quarterly Journal of Social and Political Sciences (QJSPS) is an open access, and international peer-reviewed journal. Our main objective is to disseminate current and original articles from researchers and practitioners that enrich understanding, and contributes to the past, current, and future discourse and issues of social and political sciences. The article should address multidisciplinary research on theoretical and/or empirical questions in the topic around: political science, international relations, communication science, government science, public adminstration, sociology, and anthtropology studies. QJSPS encourage a robust analysis and rigorous methodologies (quantitative or qualitative or mix-method) written in an engaging and analytical article style, so that it promote new ideas, discourse, controversy, solid reflection, and solutions theoretically or practically to address issues in social and political sciences.

    QJSPS is published four times a year (quarterly) in March, June, September, and December by Ambassador Publishing, a publication unit of the Ambassador Project for Research and Development. All submitted articles shall never be published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to QJSPS will undergo a thorough single blind peer-review process. The acceptance of articles is decided by Editorial Board based on reviewer's recommendation.